Farmhouse South Sunlight

History of the site

The site has been occupied since the Iron Age and an Anglo-Saxon settlement is mentioned in the Domesday book (C.1086)

Early 17th Century

Begbroke Hill Farmhouse was built on the site of a medieval dwelling and owned until 1752

Farmhouse South Sunlight (2)

1896 – 1960

Farmhouse owned by the Partridge Family and farmed for barley for the brewing industry

1960 - 1985

Begbroke Hill Farm became the headquarters of the Weed Research Organisation

1989 - 1998

Cookson Group Technology used the site as its R&D headquarters. Also occupied by Cookson Matthey Ceramics and Johnson Matthey during Cookson’s ownership

University Ownership


Site purchased in December by Oxford University as a research centre


First business incubator opened by Lord Sainsbury and Nanox was the first spin out company on site


AEA Advanced Materials Centre opens (now Oxford Materials Characterisation Service)


Begbroke cleanroom facility opens

Cleanroom (13)


Begbroke Directorate established and farmhouse building renovated


Institute for Industrial Materials and Manufacturing opens


The Centre for Innovation and Enterprise opens and was 100% occupied within 12 months


Institute for Advanced Technology opens providing 4000m2 of mixed-use facility, supporting university inter disciplinary research including materials, energy, nanotechnology, biomedical engineering and aerospace including the Centre for Sustainable Water Engineering

Iat West Entrance Sunny Feb 19 (12)


Significant improvements were made to the infrastructure in 2012. A new access road onto the A44 opened paving the way for future development

Recent Growth


Government City Deal Initiative enables Begbroke Innovation Accelerator expansion plans for an additional 2200m2 of space in the CIE building


CIE expansion opens giving a total capacity of 5400m2 of flexible space

Cie External South


Agile lab – shared working space opens in the CIE building; funded by the Oxfordshire Innovation Support for Business (ISfB) and European Regional Development Fund


Agile lab expansion giving a total of 179 m2  lab space and accommodating up to 14 users

Helio Agile Lab (75)


A second restaurant and marquee opened, offering additional amenities, events and meeting spaces

Downstairs Restaurant (4)

Future Development


OXiGEN Accelerator planned

By 2024

Planned development of 2 buildings. Building 1 will give 5000m2 for University Research and Development partners and academic uses with shared facilities together, while Building 2 will be available to lease on a flexible basis (7500m2)