Filter Companies & Research Groups:
    A&b Smart Materials Logo
    In Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology

    A&B Smart Materials

    Begbroke Science Park Adaptix@2x
    In Life Sciences, Genomics, Synthetic Biology and Medtech

    Adaptix Ltd

    Oxford Logo
    In Research Groups (Engineering)

    Centre for Sustainable Water Engineering (Professor Nick Hankins)

    Begbroke Science Park Chiralabs@2x
    In Life Sciences, Genomics, Synthetic Biology and Medtech


    Cortex Organics
    In Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology

    Cortex Organics

    Begbroke Science Park Crystalmaker Software@2x
    In Big Data & Energy Efficient Computing

    CrystalMaker Software Ltd

    Begbroke Science Park Energenics Europe@2x
    In Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Energy Generation, Capture and Storage

    Energenics Europe Ltd

    Oxford Logo
    In Research Groups (Engineering)

    Environmental Biotechnology (Professor Ian Thompson)

    Faradion Logo With Text 1 August 2023
    In Energy Generation, Capture and Storage

    Faradion Ltd

    Oxford Logo
    In Research Groups (Engineering)

    High Performance Alloys for Extreme Environments (Professor Roger Read)

    In Life Sciences, Genomics, Synthetic Biology and Medtech


    Oxford Logo
    In Research Groups (Engineering)

    Impact Engineering Laboratory (Professor Nik Petrinic)

    In Life Sciences, Genomics, Synthetic Biology and Medtech


    Oxford Logo
    In Research Groups (Engineering)

    Monroe Research Group (Professor Charles Monroe)

    N Tec
    In Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology


    Oxford Logo
    In Research Groups (Materials)

    Nanomaterials by Design (Professor Nicole Grobert)

    Oxford Logo
    In Research Groups (Engineering)

    Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy (Professor Helen Townley)

    Oxford Logo
    In Research Groups (Materials)

    NanoSIMS Group (Dr Chris Grovenor)

    Nekton Logo 300x150
    In Life Sciences, Genomics, Synthetic Biology and Medtech


    Eng Brandmark Master Rgb Black (nio)
    In Automotive Research and Development


    Aperture Single Bigger Left
    In Life Sciences, Genomics, Synthetic Biology and Medtech

    Opsydia Ltd

    Oxeco Logo
    In Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology


    Begbroke Science Park Oxford Advanced Surfaces@2x
    In Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology

    Oxford Advanced Surfaces

    Oxford Ionics New
    In Big Data & Energy Efficient Computing

    Oxford Ionics

    Oxford Mestar Logo@2x
    In Life Sciences, Genomics, Synthetic Biology and Medtech

    Oxford Mestar

    Oxford Logo
    In Research Groups (Physics)

    Oxford Physics IAT Computer Room (Dr Peter Gronbech)

    Simcell Logo Full Transparent (2)
    In Life Sciences, Genomics, Synthetic Biology and Medtech

    Oxford Simcell

    Oxford Logo
    In Research Groups (Engineering)

    Physical Acoustics Lab (Professor Ron Roy, Professor James Kwan, Dr Jason Raymond)

    Oxford Logo
    In Research Groups (Materials)

    Polymers Group (Professor Hazel Assender)

    Begbroke Science Park Population Bio@2x
    In Life Sciences, Genomics, Synthetic Biology and Medtech

    Population Bio

    Oxford Logo
    In Research Groups (Materials)

    Processing and Manufacturing (Professor Keyna O’Reilly)

    Oxford Logo
    In Research Groups (Materials)

    Processing of Advanced Materials (Professor Patrick Grant and Dr Enzo Liotti)

    In Energy Generation, Capture and Storage


    Repolywise logo - green arrows going clockwise around a letter R
    In Chemical Manufacturing


    SENFI logo with red and blue writing in capital letters
    In Chemical Manufacturing


    Oxford Logo
    In Research Groups (Materials)

    Solar Energy Materials Group (Professor Andrew Watt)

    Sonosine Master Logo Rgb Vertical
    In Life Sciences, Genomics, Synthetic Biology and Medtech


    Oxford Logo
    In Research Groups (Engineering)

    Synthetic Biology and Single Cell Biology (Professor Wei Huang)

    Begbroke Science Park Wheelright@2x
    In Automotive Research and Development
