Cie Reception Area (3)

Here at Begbroke we work with partner organisations across the business, science and education communities, many of whom provide benefits and services to tenants on site. To find out more about how working with any of our partners can benefit you, contact us.


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University of Oxford Begbroke Science Park, is managed as a directorate of the University of Oxford – Mathematical, Physical, Engineering and Life Sciences Division (MPLS).

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Mpls Division Logo

Advanced Oxford

Advanced Oxford is a group of senior leaders from the area’s major knowledge-intensive businesses who are working together to support the long-term development of the Oxford region as a dynamic and prosperous place to work and live.

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Begbroke Science Park Advanced Oxford

Cherwell District Council

Cherwell District Council provides local services for North Oxfordshire.

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Begbroke Science Park Cherwell Council

Enterprising Oxford

Enterprising Oxford acts as a hub, connecting all the entrepreneurship initiatives and resources in Oxford in one place.

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Begbroke Enterpising Oxford Logo@2x

Oxford University Innovation

Oxford University Innovation (OUI) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Oxford and manages the University’s technology transfer and consulting activities. At Begbroke they provide support and advice to the many University of Oxford spin-out companies based here and access to university expertise through consulting and professional services.

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Begbroke Science Oxford Innovationl

Oxford Greentech

Oxfordshire Greentech is the business network supporting the growth of the low-carbon sector in Oxfordshire. They bring together businesses and organisations to encourage innovation, collaboration and knowledge transfer.

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Oxford Greentech Begbroke

Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership

Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) plays a key role in driving forward a dynamic, growing and sustainable economy for Oxfordshire.

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Oxlep Begbroke

OxLEP Business

OxLEP Business provides business support, funding, and a wide range of events for SMEs and new enterprises based in Oxfordshire.

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United Kingdom Science Park Association

University of Oxford Science Park, Begbroke is pleased to be a member of UKSPA (United Kingdom Science Park Association) which represents members that include science parks, research campuses, city-based innovation districts, technology incubators and innovation centres across the UK (and beyond).

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