Cie External South

Oxford University Begbroke Science Park is no ordinary science park.  Our buildings are developed to meet the needs of innovators working at the interface between business and science.

We are flexible with our space and agreements, making it easy for you to evolve and grow. We appreciate you have many requirements, which may change over time, that’s why our office and laboratory space can be easily converted to meet your individual needs. We have the scope for expansion and growth, and the expertise to deliver tailor-made solutions for university research to develop hand-in-hand with industrial and commercial enterprise. We’re here to help you innovate, so if there is something you would like to do differently, please ask.

We have a range of office and laboratory space with 24-hour access, and we will make everything straightforward for you from day one. We can put you in touch with professional services to help you fit out your space, leaving you free to focus on the science.

We will help to keep your business running with all the support you need. We run a professional reception service, have office and security services, supply recycling and safe storage and disposal of laboratory waste. You’ll be well connected with superfast broadband and our modern phone system.  We offer serviced, partially serviced and un-serviced offices plus wet or dry laboratories Click to view what’s included in the service levels  we offer.

March 2024 – we do have some space becoming available imminently.  To discuss, please contact us at